Sunday 20 October 2024
Library of the Hungarian Meteorological Service



The Library of the Hungarian Meteorological Service is a scientific, public library that is taking on duties nationwide. Our aim is to collect and preserve all the Hungarian scientific and popular literature connected with meteorology. Depending on our financial situation we collect the international literature as well.

The holdings of the library consist of three main types of materials: books, periodicals and data collections.

Recently the complete book stock of the Hungarian Meteorological Service is roughly 10 thousand volumes. Most of our books deal with meteorology, but literature from other scientific areas (related to meteorology) can be found as well. We attempt to survey all the meteorology connected issues that appear in print, and submit as much of them as possible. The Library has meteorological dictionaries, maps and encyclopaedias giving a general overview on meteorology itself, as well as detailed studies for those who are interested in certain specialities.  

Since the library is as old as the Hungarian Meteorological Service itself, many interesting technical books (such as hundreds of years old rarities as well as curiosities in the field of science history) haves been collected during the last 140 years. One of these curiosities is the “Societas Meteorologica Palatina”, which contains observed meteorological data collected between 1780 and 1792 in 30 European cities.

Furthermore, the library has a considerable amount (roughly 150) of periodicals, i.e. series and journals from all over the world, considering that the latest scientific achievements can be best learned from such publications. The library has good connections with foreign meteorological libraries, from where we obtain all the meteorological issues of the relating countries in the frame of mutual agreements. 

The third main type of materials our library includes are the data collections. Annuals since 1871 and Daily Weather Reports since 1 July 1893 and other summing publications are to be available for the users. Old annuals from many countries and other data collections are put at researchers’ disposal as well.

The ground-space of the library is 200 m2. Separate reading-room is available for personal study and research. We welcome all interested readers, researchers and amateurs as well.


Contact information:

Address:                          H-1024 Budapest, Kitaibel Pál street 1.


Phone:                             (+36 1) 346 4611